Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My other car is a yoga mat

Has anyone out there ever tried Kundalini yoga?
For the past five years, Down Dogs, Sun Salutations, Warrior poses, Cobras are part of our lives. And I can only recommend learning to lengthen your breath, to open your chakras, to "let go" rather than "try"... Yes, I know, it sounds odd, but in the practice of yoga it is actually happening.

But Kundulini is something else, pretty "out there". Who would have thought so? A little lady sitting on the floor, surrounded by books, candles was instructing that workshop, but believe me, the "serpent yoga" is really an exercise. Instead of stretching, you do repetitive movements, find the rythm, coordinate the breathing, but do the exercise for a few minutes. I can still feel in my shoulders the swim. Is there a pool in a yoga studio? No, you sit there miming swimming movement for a good five minutes, while the little lady is leading; "Imagine you are at sea, you swam far form the shore and a storm is brewing. You lost sight of the shore and you have to find your way. Swim faster, faster, and trust your Inner Voice, your guardian angels to swim in the right direction..." I can still feel that in my shoulders two days later, and believe me after a few minutes, you can actually see the scene...

I would have thought California was Yoga heaven, and yes, stretching out on the beach, looking at the Pacific Ocean, or outdoors, on the grass in the sun is pretty amazing but I still have a thought for Nina, Yves, Rachel, Jane, Peter, my favourite Iyengar instructors. Here we have Janet and Purusha who are very inspiring too. To get inspired by Mr Iyengar himself, who is still teaching today, check this out on YouTube: BKS Iyengar Pranayama

When driving seriously gets on my nerves, and I switch to KUSC "Anti-Road Rage Melody" I think that my yoga mat is my other car and takes me to a better place, flying carpet of the Arabian Nights. 

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About Me

Fille du Midi et exilée volontaire au Royaume-Uni par amour et esprit d'aventure depuis 1993/97... Nîmes, Djedda, Avignon, Cambridge, Londres et Los Angeles!